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      • What I Personally Think GW3 should look like

        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

        Posted January 13, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

        The OPs proposed changes are so polar opposite to everything about GW2 that I'm wondering why they even want a GW3. Is the lore (the only thing that it looks like would survive from GW2 to GW3) all that compelling?

        The OP doesn't read as a thoughtful analysis of where GW2 could grow, but as a list of what would make up their ideal MMO. You could drop it into any other themepark MMO and it would read the same.

        As to sandbox MMOs, I have yet to see one where it makes any sense to be a casual player. The early adopters and the full-time players dominate sandboxes because they are the first to claim land, corner markets, and are most able to defend their holdings.

        I totally appreciate the idea behind player-created content, and love the concept of sandbox. In practicality, though, casual players like me and many others that play GW2 because it is is casual friendly have no chance of finding an enjoyable, meaningful place in a sandbox.

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        • Barrier to Entry

          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

          Posted January 13, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

          My son, who plays 2-4 hours a week, had no problem getting his skyscale.

          And I only get 5 FPS on my ancient, potato powered laptop when I forget to plug it in so it decides to run in power saving mode. The rest of the time I get 30fps or more.

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          • Smallest Nitpick of the Day: Mounting animations

            in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

            Posted January 13, 2022

            29 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

            I remember the day gliding was enabled outside of HoT maps. That jail suddenly became the busiest location in the city.😄

            Incidentally the worst part for me isn't even GW2. It's other games where I throw myself off cliffs and have just enough time to remember this game doesn't have flying mounts or gliders before I plummet to my death.

            I totally had that problem playing one of the recent Tomb Raider games! A lot of the gameplay specifically revolves around figuring out how to get between places with big drops between, and it took me a bit to get over the impulse to just jump and glide.

            • Gibson.4036's Content - Page 137 (4)2
            • Obsidian Resource - Gobbler

              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

              Posted January 13, 2022

              4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

              silverwaste chest farm ormining pof guild hall then probabely not crafting any legendaries is my bet.

              Oh, interesting. It’s been quite as while since I’ve done silverwaste chests. Maybe I should head back there again.

              I’ve forever been one boss shy of the four for the achievement, too. Maybe I could finally catch it while getting my obsidian stockpile built.

              • Story mode is hardly enjoyable

                in Players Helping Players

                Posted January 13, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                Seconding advice to try that power daredevil build. It was my first main through all non-core content from LW2 to IBS. You get a bunch of dodge, and the dodges actually do decent damage.

                The guide suggests spamming skill two for weakness, but you have an area blind on 4 that gives a ton of survivability with anything that doesn’t haves breakbar, so I’d often alternate that with auto attack chains and dodging.

                • Gibson.4036's Content - Page 137 (5)2
                • Obsidian Resource - Gobbler

                  in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                  Posted January 12, 2022

                  How do you end up with so much? This is one of those things I'm forever trying to build up.

                  • Gibson.4036's Content - Page 137 (6)2
                  • Skyscale Quest Fix Request

                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                    Posted January 12, 2022

                    2 hours ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

                    The complaint is that collection as-is is bad, and I don't think that defending the status quo is helpful, I think the skyscale collection as designed has hurt anet more than helped and unfortunately, as most people on these forums are active players, you'll see a lot of confirmation bias.

                    Okay, confirmation bias is a very real thing, but why do you think it doesn't apply to your perception that the skyscale collection has hurt ANet?

                    There are an awful lot of skyscale riders flying around the game. Maybe there are larger numbers of people who uninstalled once they found out the had to visit 46 places in Dragonfall in order to get it? But how would you or I even know that?

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                    • any plans on balance downstate?

                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                      Posted January 12, 2022

                      23 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

                      My main Engi feels 110% useless when downed. A pull ability? Like okay, I guess it helps kill me faster incase there was a mob not already smacking me.

                      Well, it doesn't help me survive, but I find Engie's pull and explosion to be endlessly hilarious if I get them timed right while someone is trying to finish me. Seeing them fall on their faces or go flying back (sometimes I manage both one after the other!) is sweet revenge. 😄

                      On the other hand, it is bizarre how a necro can still do enough damage to be a real threat while in downed state.

                      • EoD seem kinda cool, but Anet should announce they will work on 4th Expansion

                        in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                        Posted January 12, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                        4 hours ago, zealex.9410 said:

                        Im here for the confused reactions because the concept of longtern faith and security for the players is lost to ppl in the forums.

                        Getting eod is cool, but if following eod theres another 9 months drought and even after that expac 4 isnt confirmed then we are back to square 1 and anet will once again have justified ppl's opinions that they simply dont have their kitten together.

                        But why borrow trouble? We don't know what the 9 months following will look like, and an announcement before launch of the expac is premature.

                        It's just weird to start talking about next month's party the day before this week's party. Then you're really communicating you have no faith in this week's.

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                        • Swimsuits; The Gold Standard [Merged]

                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                          Posted January 12, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                          17 hours ago, Mil.3562 said:

                          And i think bringing up daughters as an excuseto ban swimwear in A GAME is pretty lame and it's as low as you can get. Omg, it's only a swimsuit not nudity. You never see swim wearsIRL? This is 2022 people. Time to wake up😄

                          Just to be clear, no one actually did that. A poster dragged an unrelated post from a thread about starter armor into this thread to make it look like that. But it was a strawman to give them something to argue against.

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                          • Story mode is hardly enjoyable

                            in Players Helping Players

                            Posted January 12, 2022

                            You'd get some better help if you noted which bosses you are having trouble with specifically. Are these core story, expansion, or LW bosses? Do you have access to expansion elite specs, or are you doing core only? After having difficulty with the story mission, have you checked the wiki to make sure you understand the mechanics?

                            Also, if you can find just one person to do story with, it will totally change the difficulty in them. When the boss is focused on more than just you, it opens a much bigger margin for error.

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                            • Gemstore rotation is wayyy to slow [Merged]

                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                              Posted January 12, 2022

                              There's definitely money I've not spent because of the rotation and I just seem to miss the window of the items being offered or on sale.

                              Maybe, someday, when the items come around again, I'll buy them and ANet will still get my money. But I know money now is always better than money someday.

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                              • Gemstore rotation is wayyy to slow [Merged]

                                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                Posted January 12, 2022

                                9 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

                                Some people still can't grasp how marketing works.


                                Wouldn't it be nice if we could live in a world where we could buy the things that interest us and businesses could make a respectable profit providing them at a reasonable cost without all the shenanigans of playing on our animal instincts?

                                Ah well.

                                • Is it me or is this game freaking difficult?

                                  in Players Helping Players

                                  Posted January 12, 2022

                                  21 hours ago, Eliza.8602 said:

                                  I played GW2 at very beginning for about a month or less and then abandoned it for many many many years. I returned not so long ago, so I consider myself an absolute clumsy. Despite all guides, I took an elementalist and boost myself to 80 level with the help of money. This allowed me to experiment more with mybuild. I went through Tyria not to say that it was easy, but I learned a lot and die a lot. But Heart of Thorns was a real shock for me. Beautiful locations, great music, interesting story, but constant never ending pressure and a huge number of deaths. I had to learn how to go around. I have learned how to defeat many, but I am still die from some mobs. Despite all the difficulties, I still go on! 🙂

                                  Elementalist is definitely not the easiest of professions. I admire your persistence!

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                                  • Smallest Nitpick of the Day: Mounting animations

                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                    Posted January 12, 2022

                                    15 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

                                    For you it's odd in-game behavior. For me, it's no different than how I normally "drive" in the world of GW2. The guy flying off to his death every 5 seconds? Yep, that's me.

                                    Ever since my son got his roller beetle, it's his go to mount. No matter how complicated the terrain. No matter the sheer drops on every side. So you've got company there.

                                    Now I'm smiling remembering shortly after I got my beetle and I accidentally boosted off the top of Rata Sum. Ended up in Asura jail.

                                    Turns out theytake things like that very seriously.

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                                    • Smallest Nitpick of the Day: Mounting animations

                                      in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                      Posted January 11, 2022

                                      5 hours ago, MikeG.6389 said:

                                      My immersion breaks much more when the game gives me control of my character while the map is still loading... Especially visible in Lion's Arch or Divinity's Reach during Wintersday.

                                      It’s kinda fun and terrifying to run around on air for a few seconds. I have been downed before in my impatience after hurling myself off a drop I couldn’t see because the terrain hadn’t rendered yet.

                                      More often I’ve run into obstacles and I wonder what other players think of me running into architecture if they notice.

                                      • Gibson.4036's Content - Page 137 (26)1
                                      • Where does one learn about using magic in Tyria?

                                        in Lore

                                        Posted January 11, 2022

                                        4 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

                                        The Tree has stated that she doesn't control or give sylvari their respective Wyld Hunts, or really anything the Dream does.

                                        Ah, thanks.

                                        So is the dream kind of like a collective unconscious, independent but made up of all the Sylvari? So a hunt comes from the individual Sylvari as well as the needs/desires/understanding of the whole community?

                                        And then the training a Sylvari receives before emerging would be from the collective wisdom and skill of all dream-connected Sylvari?

                                        • Gibson.4036's Content - Page 137 (27)1
                                        • Swimsuits; The Gold Standard [Merged]

                                          in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                          Posted January 11, 2022

                                          1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

                                          Btw, deeply moved by the justification quoted above, I think we can't afford exposing innocent daughters to any more bare pixelated skin than absolutely necessary. As such, it's unthinkable to me that anyone would want to introduce swimming suits or -gasp- bikinis in the form of outfits that could possibly fill the world of tyria and corrupt the minds of younger players. Of course the same goes for the dyeable underwear, which would unnecessarily and irresponsibly pull more attention of the players to that forbidden part of the wardrobe. Just think about all the awkward gimaces those families would have to share. 😖

                                          tl;dr: Gibson, what happened to you?! Don't forget about the children! 😢

                                          Amusing, Sobx.

                                          I was pretty clear in that thread I have no problem with skimpy armor in the game. I do like that my daughter, who doesn’t want to wear it, doesn’t have it assigned to her automatically at character creation.

                                          You must be really running low on forum battlegrounds for you to reach this hard.

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                                          • Stop the RP hate

                                            in Roleplay Discussion

                                            Posted January 10, 2022

                                            1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

                                            I don’t know, I wasn’t there. But I can imagine that this could be the case. There are enough maps without meta events. It can be frustrating that players don’t participate in meta events but are in the map when the event happens.


                                            I wonder how people feel about players who are in zone during meta events doing HPs, achievements, or story.

                                            I would expect RPers would be in a zone during meta events RPing in response to the meta event.

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                                            • Make Gem Store Skins Mean Something

                                              in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                              Posted January 10, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                                              I always took Gemstore Skins to mean, "I have a lot of disposable income." or "I have a lot of free time."

                                              • Gibson.4036's Content - Page 137 (32)3
                                              • Stop the RP hate

                                                in Roleplay Discussion

                                                Posted January 10, 2022· Edited by Gibson.4036

                                                21 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:


                                                Awesome that you're committed to never harass RPers!

                                                1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

                                                Maybe maps where there are meta events aren’t the best places for Roleplay. I mean your Roleplay can happen at any places in the game, no need to ruin meta events for other players.

                                                Is the concern that RPers are scaling the events up, but not contributing? Or is there some other way they are "ruining" it?

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                                                • EoD seem kinda cool, but Anet should announce they will work on 4th Expansion

                                                  in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                                  Posted January 10, 2022

                                                  13 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

                                                  Noone said mounts would not work in gw2 they said it was not needed when we had waypoints every 10 meters.

                                                  I never bought that argument. I still use my mounts heavily in core zones, and like those zones better because of it.

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                                                  • Skyscale Quest Fix Request

                                                    in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                    Posted January 10, 2022

                                                    17 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

                                                    I always thought that the currency cost was a sink since there were so many complaints about players have an abundance of currencies with nothing to use them on.

                                                    Although the skyscale was in game on release of the LW4 chapter 6. Seems like its acquisition would have been designed before LW4 release, and therefore before player complaints about having too much currency.

                                                    The crafting shipments bought with volatile magic definitely seem like a sink, but those were in place at LW4 launch, too, weren't they?

                                                    • what Dragon Legendary are you going to make ?

                                                      in End of Dragons Discussion (Archived)

                                                      Posted January 10, 2022

                                                      25 minutes ago, piitb.7635 said:

                                                      It depends if its just a skin or maybe each dragon line has a special attribute.

                                                      Being legendary quality, the stats are going to be the same as other legendries. However where they can absolutely differentiate if the dragon legendaries can equip unique sigils..

                                                      My understanding is that it's all the same legendary, just "attuned" to each dragon's energy. The base Aurene version is "prismatic", which means it contains all the colors/energies of all the dragons, and you can do a quest to attune it to one of the dead elder dragons to make it look and have the effects of the others.

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                                                      • Make Gem Store Skins Mean Something

                                                        in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                                                        Posted January 10, 2022

                                                        2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

                                                        Not just that, just logging in and doing dailies, converting laurels to mats and selling mystic coins, means somewhere in the neighborhood of 200g per month....again just for logging in and playing for 5-15 minutes per day.

                                                        Can you break that down a bit?

                                                        20 mystic coins is aproximately 40g.

                                                        FastFarming lists about 60s/laurel for crafting bag conversion. So if you choose laurels at the end of the month, thats 50*60s, or 30g, give or take.

                                                        60g from daily completionist every day.

                                                        That means 70g in mats from other daily achievements along the way? What am I missing?

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                                                      Author: Jerrold Considine

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                                                      Name: Jerrold Considine

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                                                      Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.