Magma Lozenge Location (2025)

1. Magma Lozenge - Item - Digimon World: Next Order Wiki - Grindosaur

  • Everything you need to know about the Quest item called Magma Lozenge in Digimon World: Next Order. General information, drop locations and more.

Magma Lozenge - Item - Digimon World: Next Order Wiki - Grindosaur

2. Digimon World: Next Order - Server Desert Recruitment Guide

  • 10 mrt 2023 · The main city hub in Digimon World: Next Order is a little place called Floatia. ... Hand over a Magma Lozenge. Item Shop. Sells and repairs tents.

  • It's time to recruit more Digimon, this time in Server Desert.

Digimon World: Next Order - Server Desert Recruitment Guide

3. Recruitment Guide - Digimon World: Next Order - Grindosaur

Recruitment Guide - Digimon World: Next Order - Grindosaur

4. Greymon | DigimonWiki - Fandom

  • Digimon World: Next Order ... A Greymon in Noise Storm asks the Hero to find it a Magma Lozenge in the Logic Volcano. After the Hero finds the item and gives it ...

  • Greymon is a Dinosaur Digimon. Greymon's cranial skin has hardened so that it is covered in a rhinoceros beetle-like shell. It is an extremely aggressive Digimon, with a body like a lethal weapon covered in sharp claws and gigantic horns. However, it is highly intelligent, and if you're able to tame it then there probably isn't any monster as strong.[11] Attacks Nova Blast[12] (Mega Flame): Spews ultra-high-temperature flames or a flame shot from its mouth to reduce everything to ashes. Great Ho

Greymon | DigimonWiki - Fandom

5. Digimon World: Next Order Residents Recruitment Guide - Gamers Heroes

  • 29 jan 2017 · When you approach him he will ask you to find a Magma Lozenge, which is around the Logic Volcano area. ... Head to the location marked by the ...

  • This Digimon World: Next Order Floatia Prosperity Guide tells you where to find all the Digimon to join your village alongside information on the perks and benefits you get for recruiting them.

Digimon World: Next Order Residents Recruitment Guide - Gamers Heroes

6. Blueberry Lozenge | Neopets Items - Jellyneo Item Database

  • When seasons change and your Neopet is sneezing horribly and has watery, itchy, eyes and nose try giving them one of these lozenges. Price History. 530 NP (+30 ...

  • When seasons change and your Neopet is sneezing horribly and has watery, itchy, eyes and nose try giving them one of these lozenges.

Blueberry Lozenge | Neopets Items - Jellyneo Item Database

7. Blow-up: Volcanic kite - KU Leuven Stories

  • This brightly coloured lozenge is actually a thin disc of olivine, a ... magma reservoirs are there and where." In other words, olivines like these ...

  • Leuven geologists study olivine to better understand oceanic crust formation.

Blow-up: Volcanic kite - KU Leuven Stories

8. [PDF] Comparison, overall impression and inconsistencies in design protection

  • Accordingly, the UK Court of Appeal held that the Kiddee Case did not infringe Magmatic's RCD. ... Invalidity Division, July 6 2012), when considering lozenge ...

Magma Lozenge Location (2025)


Magma Lozenge Location? ›

Requests a magma lozenge, which can be found at a special search point in Logic Volcano - Fire Wall, near the Garbage Pile entrance. Gives you the tent item (and repairs it), which lets you rest your digimon

Digimon (Japanese: デジモン, Hepburn: Dejimon, branded as Digimon: Digital Monsters, stylized as DIGIMON), short for "Digital Monsters" (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā), is a Japanese media franchise, which encompasses virtual pet toys, anime, manga, video games, films, and a trading card game. › wiki › Digimon

How to get Tentomon Digimon next order? ›

Tentomon is in the center of the area near the river by the hill. You can haggle with him as many times as you want to buy a recovery disc for cheaper, but you'll eventually need to buy his item for 100 bits so that he'll join. Sells recovery items. Requests a Digistalk, a Cheerful Apple, and a Salty Fruit.

How to recruit Palmon Digimon next order? ›

Give Palmon a Cheerful Apple, a Digistalk and a Salty Fruit (all obtained in Vast Plateau).

How to get Greymon in Digimon World 1? ›

To get a Greymon, you need Offense 100, Defense 100, Speed 100, and Brains 100. No care mistakes, 30g body weight. Now, there's a bonus condition to get Greymon: having a discipline gauge of 90 or above. Do all these, and you'll get a Greymon.

Where do I recruit Tentomon in Digimon Survive? ›

Tentomon, Palmon, and Gomamon can be recruited in Part Ten during the second half of the player's Free Action. By speaking with Agumon, players can trigger an event that will allow them to catch and recruit the three Digimon in Digimon Survive.

How to get Veemon in Digimon next order? ›

In order to Digivolve or degenerate into Veemon, your Digimon must be at least LV10 with 50% friendship. It can also be hatched from the Claw Patterned Digi-Egg.

What is the strongest version of Greymon? ›

The strongest dragon warrior wearing armor crafted from the ultra-metal Chrome Digizoid, WarGreymon is the ultimate form of the Greymon species. It sports a more humanoid physique than the typical large bodies of other Greymon types, but possesses vastly improved power and speed.

How long to beat Digimon World 1? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story3435h
Main + Extras2048h
Completionist9115h 55m
All PlayStyles6337h

What is the Japanese name for Greymon? ›

Greymon (グレイモン, Gureimon) is Agumon's Champion form, a giant Dinosaur Digimon with a rhinoceros beetle-like helmet on his head.

How to recruit Biyomon next order? ›

In the nigh plains, you come across Biyomon on the mountain and he wants to learn to fly, which digimon do I need to speak to in order to help and recruit him? You need to recruit Birdramon first, IIRC. Play through the story until you recruit Birdramon. Then go speak to Biyomon.

Can you get Digimon Survive Guilmon after August? ›

Bandai Namco has revealed that this version of Digimon Survive will only be available till the end of August though, which makes Guilmon a limited-time bonus. Players in the US should also be able to also find a download code for Guilmon on their receipts, if they buy a physical copy of Digimon Survive from GameStop.

What does Tentomon digivolve into? ›

Tentomon is an obtainable mercenary Digimon. It digivolves into Kabuterimon at LVL 11, MegaKabuterimon at LVL 25, and HerculesKabuterimon at LVL 41.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.