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There could be several reasons you're having trouble logging in. Let's first identify what type of user you are:
- I have a password
- Apple
- Still Can't Access Your Account?
Unable to log into StubHub International?
If you created an account on StubHub International using your personal email and password, try these steps:
Check Your Credentials:
- Ensure your email address is spelled correctly and you're using the right email/password combination.
- Be aware that your StubHub International account will lock after six failed login attempts.
Forgot Your Password?
- Click on "Forgot your password?" on the login screen.
- Enter the email address associated with your StubHub International account.
- Follow the instructions sent to your email to reset your password.
- Your new password must be:
- Between 8 and 20 characters
- A combination of numbers, upper or lower case letters, and/or special characters
- Different from your email address
Didn't Receive the Password Reset Email?
- Check your spam or junk folders.
- If it's not there, clear your internet browser's cache and cookies, then try resetting the password again.
- Didn't Receive the Verification Code Email?
- Sometimes we send a verification code to confirm the authenticity of the account. If, after entering your credentials, we inform you that we will send a code and you do not receive it, please check the following:
- Check your spam or junk folders.
- Wait a few minutes, as there may be a delay in email delivery
- If you still don't see it after some time, contact us for assistance.
- Sometimes we send a verification code to confirm the authenticity of the account. If, after entering your credentials, we inform you that we will send a code and you do not receive it, please check the following:
Logging in with Facebook
If you created your account using Facebook credentials:
- Tap on the Facebook icon on the login screen.
- Make sure you are using the same email and password as your Facebook account.
- Forgot your Facebook password? Click "Forgot password?" on the Facebook login screen and follow the instructions sent to your email or phone.
Logging in with Google
If you created your account using Google credentials:
- Tap on the Google icon on the login screen and choose your account.
- Ensure you are using the same email and password as your Google account.
Logging in with Apple
If you created your account using your Apple ID:
- Tap on the Apple icon on the login screen.
- Ensure you are using the same email or phone number and password as your Apple ID.
- Forgot your Apple ID password? Click "Forgot password?" on the Apple ID login screen and follow the instructions sent to your email or phone.
- Make sure to use your real email address, not an alias created by Apple.
Still Can't Access Your Account?
If you're still unable to access your account, pleasecontact us for further assistance.
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